About Erectile Dysfunction
In humans when a man is physically or mentally aroused his nervous system sends messages to the penis that causes blood to rush to the area and fill the erectile chambers within the shaft of the penis. The Back flow valves in the penis veins close trapping the blood in the penis to firmly hold an erection in place.
With Erectile Dysfunction (ED), arteries are not able to get enough blood to the penis, or the valves in the penis veins allow back flow so the blood flows back into the penis without being trapped. As a result the penis is not able to sustain an erection.
Sometimes an erection can be attained however the quality of the erection is not suitable enough for intercourse. Both these situations are considered erectile dysfunction.

Three Basic Causes of ED
- There is not enough blood flow going into the penis.
- The vein walls are too weak to keep blood in the penis.
- The signals from the brain triggering arousal are having trouble reaching the penis.
Physical Causes
Diseases that cause nerve damage that prevent signals from reaching the penis will result in erectile dysfunction.
- Diabetes can damage both nerves and blood vessels necessary for achieving erection.
- Neurological disorders such as stroke, multiple sclerosis (MS), Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease.
- Blood flow could be affected by vascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, high blood pressure or high cholesterol which are the most common causes of erectile dysfunction.
- Use of alcohol, tobacco or drugs will damage the blood vessels and increase the chances of men having erectile dysfunction.
- Venous leakage, results when damaged blood vessels and venous disease could lead to either a restricted flow to the penis or too much blood flowing out of the penis.
Other Causes that can lead to erectile dysfunction are:
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Depression
Treatment for ED
ED is diagnosable and treatable with many options.
- Oral Medications can be taken to treat ED, however they are often not as effective as brand commercials may lead people to believe. Up to 30% of men do not have success with oral medications. Side effects may also be possible.
- Injection Therapy is another prescribed treatment, in which the patient uses a needle to inject medication directly into his penis to stimulate blood flow and keep the blood in the penis.
- Counseling can often help with ED associated with psychological causes.
- Vacuum Therapy Systems, ED pumps or penile pumps are a solution that is increasingly popular. Vacuum therapy uses the laws of physics to mimic the natural process a man’s body goes through when it creates an erection. These penile pumps have been to be effective for men with diabetes or other medical issues, men who are recovering from prostate surgery, and men who have not had success with other treatments options.
What Is Vacuum Therapy?
Vacuum Therapy is solution to erectile dysfunction that produces immediate and firm results compared to other treatment options.
Using simple principles of physics, vacuum therapy creates an erection naturally mimicking the natural process the body goes through when it is aroused,
The vacuum is used to gently pull blood into the penis creating a solid erection that is suitable and satisfying for intercourse.
Benefits of Vacuum Therapy
- Natural and drug-free
- 90% effective in clinical trials
- Available without a prescription
- FDA-certified
- Immediate results without delay
- Safe to use with other ED treatments.
- Beneficial to use after prostate surgeries to promote blood flow and healing.
How to Use a Penile Pump
If this is the first time using the penile pump than you’ll want to try and use it alone initially until you feel more comfortable, confident and knowledgeable before introducing it with our partner.
- Make sure all the components of the vacuum therapy pump are in the kit.
- Watch the video to fully understand the system.
- Before you use the penile pump make sure to trim the hair around the pubic area at the base of the penis ensuring it is clear, clean and dry. This creates a tight seal against your body allowing the system to work properly.
- Follow the directions with the kit.
How to Talk About ED
If you’re experiencing ED, you know it is not easy to talk about it. You may have feelings of inadequacy and shame, or fear and anxiety of not understanding why it’s happening, and how you can make it go away. Partners may take your ED personally, believing you don’t love them or find them attractive. For both of you, ED can lead to diminished self-esteem, resentment, and a lack of the intimacy that is essential to loving, caring relationships.
Overcome the Embarrassment
It is important to remember that when talking about ED you are not alone. On average 4 out of 10 men over the age of 40 experience ED. It is such a common condition that there are constantly commercial and ads that are aired on Television and radio during peak viewing and listening times.
Be Honest and Supportive
Being honest with your partner and facing the condition will provide an open and caring environment and foster a loving relationship without judgment.
Get Informed
Speak with health care professionals and the facts about ED and how it’s affecting your lifestyle. Explore different treatment options, counseling, medications or vacuum therapy. There is a treatment option that is suitable for you!
Andrology America -- Society of health care professionals dedicated to the study of the male reproductive system and reproductive health
International Society for Sexual Medicine -- Medical organization for the study of the diagnosis and treatment of erectile dysfunction American
American Urological Association -- A national group aimed at advancing urology through education, research and advocacy.
The Center for Intimacy After Cancer Therapy -- A resource for helping couples maintain a high quality of life by renewing intimacy after cancer
Medline Plus -- Online resource for the National Institutes of Health and The National Library of Medicine
Us TOO -- Nonprofit organization committed to providing educational resources about prostate cancer
American Cancer Society -- National community-based health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer
Prostate Cancer Foundation -- Organization dedicated to funding prostate cancer research
American Diabetes Association -- Nonprofit organization committed to improving the lives of those with diabetes
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases -- Institute dedicated to research and education on the diseases of internal medicine